Pathologies of the patent processus vaginalis in a secondary hospital: experience of Aného Hospital in Togo

Contenu principal de l'article

A Sogan
YS Sanni
A Nassoma
K Adabra
GK Akakpo-Numado


Purpose: To describe the epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic, and progressive aspects of pathologies of the patent processus vaginalis (PPV) at Aného Hospital.

Materials and methods: A retrospective and descriptive study was carried out over five years (2018–2022) including the files of patients aged 15 years at most who were operated on and followed up for PPV pathologies.

Results: A total of 175 cases (160 boys and 15 girls) of PPV pathologies were retained out of 3 020 consultations, with a frequency of
5.8%. The median age was 57.6 months (4.8 years), and infants were the most represented (40.6%, n = 71). Inguinoscrotal hernia was the most preponderant (36%, n = 63). The right side was the most affected (56.6%, n = 99). Hernias were complicated in 2.3% (n = 04). All patients had been operated on by inguinal laparotomy, and in 68% of cases (n = 119), the operation was performed under sedation and caudal anaesthesia. The main surgical procedures were the treatment of hernia (65.1%, n = 114), evacuation of vaginal fluid (28.6%, n = 50), and cystectomy (6.3%, n = 11). In all cases, a section-ligation of the PPV was performed at the level of the deep inguinal orifice. The postoperative course was good; one case (0.6%) of scrotal haematoma was noted with spontaneous resorption within 15 days.

Conclusion: PPV pathologies are common at Aného Hospital. Their surgical treatment is inguinal laparotomy due to the lack of laparoscopic equipment.

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Original Research
Bibliographies de l'auteur

A Sogan, University of Lomé

Department of General Surgery, Aného Hospital and Human Anatomy Laboratory, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lomé, Togo

EV Sewa, Aného Hospital

Department of Urology, Aného Hospital, Togo

EG Amouzou, CHU Kara

Department of General Surgery, CHU Kara, Togo

YS Sanni, Aného Hospital

Department of Paediatric Surgery, Aného Hospital, Togo

A Nassoma, Aného Hospital

Department of Paediatric Surgery, Aného Hospital, Togo

K Adabra, CHU Sylvanus Olympio

Department of General Surgery, CHU Sylvanus Olympio, Togo

GK Akakpo-Numado, CHU Campus

Department of Paediatric Surgery, CHU Campus, Togo